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The Ultimate Jaws Filming Location Video Tour - Part 1!

0 Views· 03/08/25

Come along with me as I fulfill a livelong dream of visiting Martha's Vineyard and diving deep into the filming locations of the 1975 Steven Spielberg blockbuster - JAWS! In this ultimate tour, I'll take you along as I visit not just the places where Jaws was filmed, but also other places on the island of historical significance to the production of Jaws! If you like behind the scenes info and deep cuts, I hope you enjoy these additional features!

One Correction: The correct address of Chief Brody's house is 265 E. Chop Dr., not 256. I had a dyslexic moment!

Click the link below to watch the Conversation with Alex Kintner Video referenced at the 36 minute mark in this video:

Click the link below to watch Part 2 of the Ultimate Jaws filming locations video tour:

Special thanks to the creators of the Ultimate Jaws Location Guide, my go-to reference for this trip! I'm so grateful you guys put your amazing guide together for us Jaws enthusiasts!

And extra special thanks to my friend, travel companion and co-star in a few scenes, William Dickey of Billy’s Spot Shots!

#jaws #stevenspielberg #marthasvineyard #movielocation #filminglocation #movielocations #filminglocations #royscheider #richarddreyfuss #robertshaw #lorrainegary #murrayhamilton #jeffreykramer #susanblacklinie #jaymello #chrisrebello #summerblockbuster #1970s #peterbenchley #johnwilliams

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