Toronto Filming Locations From A Christmas Story
OBSCURIST TOURIST 036 - If you're a fan of the 1983 Christmas classic "A Christmas Story,” then you won't be disappointed by this video - unless, of course, you're looking for an inside look at the actual house used from the movie. If that's the case, you'll be very disappointed ... because I wasn't able to get down to Cleveland for a visit. I had a trip planned back in March, but that all went to hell in a hand basket thanks to the pandemic and closer borders. Next year, I promise!
For now, here's a look at all the filming locations in Toronto for some of the most memorable scenes in "A Christmas Story." The school from the movie is located in St. Catherine’s, Ontario, but it was converted into a women’s shelter a few years back.
All music from the video is taken from “A Christmas Story.” You can stream or download the songs here:
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